We left for Beaver Creek, Colorado for the Ellis wedding. Quick recap: we missed our plane because baggage check and security was insane. No problem, got right on the next plane after a “not too bad” wait. Lawyer husband left his blazer that he was going to wear on the plane and to the wedding laying on the bed. No problem again - went to Joseph Banks when we landed and bought not only a blazer, but a great pair of pants, shirt and two ties that I think are wonderful. While waiting for the pants to be hemmed, we went to a great new restaurant called La Sandia. The food was delicious and the service at the restaurant was as good as getting the pants hemmed on the spot. I told the waitress that I thought the chips and salsa were the best ever. I wanted to know if they sold the salsa. They didn’t, but when we got ready to leave, the waitress came with a big smile and a box full of chips and salsa. She thought we needed a roadie. As my favorite book says, “it takes so little to be above average.” I’m stilltalking about this smiling waitress.
Back home from the chilly nights in Beaver Creek and back to the business that I love. Getting ready for our Dog Days promotional and looking forward to the sweet pets, or "furbabies" as Ann Monteith, friend and past president of PPA calls them. Tuffy and Trooper came in again this year. They brought a Christmas tree, a package and a Fitz and Floyd Santa. Claudia had made little Christmas bowties with holly for them to wear. Oliver, the long haired Chihuahua, got the Bravery Award. He was so tiny and little, but just posed in spite of his fear. He definitely could try out for the Wizard of Oz. Mona and Lisa were two beautiful twin Dachshunds that just sat quietly as we dressed them in their “Desperate Housedog” sweaters. Feeling like pushing our luck, we added a few tutus that made for a different look. These dogs are now eleven years old, but I was able to hear all about their one year old Yappy Birthday party at Three Dog Bakery. They had hats with the number one on the front and all the party guests wore Scooby Doo hats to complete the celebration.
Sophia, our next customer, was so sweet and calm. It was very obvious that she had been to etiquette classes and passed with flying colors. She even brought in her mink throw to be photographed in it. Every now and then she would forget her manners and let her tongue slip out, but will forgive this because she was so fabulous, and her hair was too. In fact, I'm thinking of taking Sophia with me the next time I need mine colored/highlighted! Finally, Sherlock came in Tuesday for a headshot. He (yes, Sherlock is a dog) works at an Eldercare law firm and is in charge of marketing and homeland security. Hey, maybe barketing is a combination of marketing and security. Sherlock was so regal. His ears were about as long as he was tall. How could he have been abandoned by his previous owner? He loved it when I meowed.

My last blogette has to do with my sweet granddaughter. If you have read any of my earlier blogs, you know that I love Chanel Number Five. Aunt Evelyn wore it, I love wearing it and I have “encouraged” granddaughter # 1 to dab a little behind her ears for special occasions. I was talking to her on the phone and she had come up with an idea. “Cease, when Jack, Daddy and Coach go to a football game, can you and Mommy and I go get our nails done? AND…..when we are finished can we put on some Michelle Number Five?” Chanel will never, ever be the same. Why is it when it comes our of the mouth of someone we love, it becomes something so precious? Sarah will probably grow up and call it by its correct name, but for me….from here on out, it is Michelle Number Five.