I am a daughter of an awesome mom, a DIL to the best Mother in law a girl could have, the wife of a great guy, a mom to two fabulous grown children, and a Mother in Law to my children's caring supportive spouses. But the best is I am "Cici" or "Cease", which is code for grandmother to my four adorable grandchildren. I love being a portrait photographer because everyday I get to go to "work". I love sharing my life and being able to capture yours.

If you were to look inside my head, you would see thousands of images from over the years coupled with thousands of thoughts that seem to surface daily. I am amazed about all the things there are to write about that present themselves to me.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Isabella Rose

Isabella Rose McGee entered this world on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 12:14 a.m.  Happy first Father’s Day, Sam!

She weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long.  My friend, Judy, thinks she might have been pointing her toes in order to slip into some nice fancy shoes. I had hoped that she would come on Father’s Day in order for Sam to always be reminded about the greatest gift a Dad could ever ask for….a precious baby.  When Kristen was born 30 years ago, Gary brought her yellow roses.  For every special occasion since then, he has continued the tradition.  The last time he gave her yellow roses was the night of the rehearsal dinner.  I think that he thought his job was complete.  However, about two weeks before Izzy arrived, I dreamed that Gary brought the baby yellow roses.  Was it a girl?  Was God giving us a heads up?  You know he is a master at details and I can’t help but wonder if he was chuckling, as he knew how much pleasure it would bring Gary to restart the tradition.  So, when Izzy was born Gary brought her a single yellow, all they had down in the hospital florist shop on a Sunday morning.   He even talked them into taking it out of an arrangement.  When Kristen, Sam and Isabella left the hospital for home on Wednesday, he had a florist arrange a brand new dozen yellow roses for Izzy’s arrival at her new home.  I can’t help but wonder about all the special occasions that will “require” that little love language between a father and a daughter and now a grandfather (or Coach, as he is called) and a granddaughter.  

I have been reading a book by an author whose first book I first read thirty years ago when I had young children.   Prudence Macintosh is the author and her first book was about the trials and tribulations, but mostly joys, of raising three young boys. Her later book that I am now reading is about watching her boys launch into adulthood while also telling her aging parents goodbye.  Prudence was very close to her dad and grew up at his knees as the editor of a small town newspaper.  When her dad was at the very end of his life, he asked her the question, “Do you know why I want to live forever?”  She guessed so that he could wear that Brooks Brothers’ suit that wasn’t worn out yet or to go to the Master’s Golf Tournament again.  His answer was beautiful…….”So I could love you forever.”  Well, Isabella Rose McGee, I can assure you that Coach and Cici will love you forever.  It will be an imperfect love unlike the love of our Heavenly Father, but it will be steadfast and unwavering.  You can always come to us as you are and we will love, listen and help in any way we can.  I hope we have dozens and dozens of yellow roses occasions ahead.


Cindy    Cici   Cease

Monday, June 8, 2009

Final Countdown

This is the week that we have all been waiting for……Kristen, my daughter, well, I guess that would be our daughter, and Sam are expecting their first child and the due date is Friday, June 12th. The doc says that she will probably go another week past June 12----so June 19th. We are ready to drive to see our third grandbaby when we get the word that he or she is ready to enter this world. I can’t help but have Psalm 139 go around and around in my mind…..Psalm 139:13-14รข€¨ "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

God has been busy at work from the very instant that baby McGee was conceived. He has created a unique and beautiful person and we will get to watch as that life is presented to us in a few days and be a part of the miracle. What’s the song? ”I Stand Amazed!” Well, I stand amazed that within a few days, our family will have a third grandbaby and another little somebody to love! Here are the last of the maternity pictures before we welcome him/her into the world. There really are joys ahead!

Lili is Dos

Lilli’s two year old birthday party was Saturday.  I started my business photographing children’s birthday parties 29 or so years ago.  I’ve come full circle and man was it fun.  They are such a pleasant family and there were so many great details that Joan, the grandmother and Jenni, the aunt had made to make the birthday special.  It was a tutu party and there were tutus and boas for all ages.  We did the invitations and I couldn’t stand to not see the final result.  Enjoy the fun of Lilli turning two.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today I was made an honorary member of the Thurmond family. Jeannie has three grown girls and they are adorable. The grandmother, Jeannie, the great grandmother, MeMaw, Shelley and her two children, Bonnie and her two children and Tracy were here for a BIG “girl members of the family” session (As my granddaughter, Sarah, would say, “Dirls only!”). Oh wait, boy children were allowed to participate. Jeannie and all her girls. And a few grandsons. They were so much fun to be with and were so much fun with each other. Being an only child, I am very envious of all that fun. SOOO they made me an honorary member of their family. Take a look at all the fun of five adults and four children ----two two year-olds and two two month-olds. MeMaw is one good looking great grandmother!