She weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. My friend, Judy, thinks she might have been pointing her toes in order to slip into some nice fancy shoes. I had hoped that she would come on Father’s Day in order for Sam to always be reminded about the greatest gift a Dad could ever ask for….a precious baby. When Kristen was born 30 years ago, Gary brought her yellow roses. For every special occasion since then, he has continued the tradition. The last time he gave her yellow roses was the night of the rehearsal dinner. I think that he thought his job was complete. However, about two weeks before Izzy arrived, I dreamed that Gary brought the baby yellow roses. Was it a girl? Was God giving us a heads up? You know he is a master at details and I can’t help but wonder if he was chuckling, as he knew how much pleasure it would bring Gary to restart the tradition. So, when Izzy was born Gary brought her a single yellow, all they had down in the hospital florist shop on a Sunday morning. He even talked them into taking it out of an arrangement. When Kristen, Sam and Isabella left the hospital for home on Wednesday, he had a florist arrange a brand new dozen yellow roses for Izzy’s arrival at her new home. I can’t help but wonder about all the special occasions that will “require” that little love language between a father and a daughter and now a grandfather (or Coach, as he is called) and a granddaughter.
I have been reading a book by an author whose first book I first read thirty years ago when I had young children. Prudence Macintosh is the author and her first book was about the trials and tribulations, but mostly joys, of raising three young boys. Her later book that I am now reading is about watching her boys launch into adulthood while also telling her aging parents goodbye. Prudence was very close to her dad and grew up at his knees as the editor of a small town newspaper. When her dad was at the very end of his life, he asked her the question, “Do you know why I want to live forever?” She guessed so that he could wear that Brooks Brothers’ suit that wasn’t worn out yet or to go to the Master’s Golf Tournament again. His answer was beautiful…….”So I could love you forever.” Well, Isabella Rose McGee, I can assure you that Coach and Cici will love you forever. It will be an imperfect love unlike the love of our Heavenly Father, but it will be steadfast and unwavering. You can always come to us as you are and we will love, listen and help in any way we can. I hope we have dozens and dozens of yellow roses occasions ahead.
Cindy Cici Cease
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