I am a daughter of an awesome mom, a DIL to the best Mother in law a girl could have, the wife of a great guy, a mom to two fabulous grown children, and a Mother in Law to my children's caring supportive spouses. But the best is I am "Cici" or "Cease", which is code for grandmother to my four adorable grandchildren. I love being a portrait photographer because everyday I get to go to "work". I love sharing my life and being able to capture yours.

If you were to look inside my head, you would see thousands of images from over the years coupled with thousands of thoughts that seem to surface daily. I am amazed about all the things there are to write about that present themselves to me.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dearest Isabella, Part 7

You are now twenty four days old. Soon you will be a month and then six months and before you know it we will be driving to Dallas to celebrate your first birthday. Well, I promised that I would tell you about the people that influenced me after I married. I think I will combine the men and the women. At least for now, I’ll try that. I lay in bed or am driving the car and all the sudden I think of someone else I want to tell you all about.

Probably the two people that I would put near the top of the list would be your other great Grandmother and great Grandfather, Doris Cash Crofford and Curtis Alvin Crofford. They (guess what) always made me feel welcome and loved---are you seeing the pattern to great admiration? Sounds a lot like Jesus’ commandment of “The Greatest of these is Love.” Your great Grandmother Doris has a lot of spunk. Maybe Sarah got a double dose of spunk—Grandmother Doris’ AND Great Great Grandmother B’s (Broaddus). But I rather like the idea of the women in our family being full of spunk. A strong powerful woman is very appealing. That doesn’t mean she isn’t a Godly woman, but she is no push over and knows who she is. There is a difference between being Godly and being squished. But I am rambling and I intended to tell you about Grandmother Doris. Her house was and still is immaculate. We always joked that you could operate in her kitchen if the hospitals ever got full. Every time she came down she would clean out my refrigerator. No one does it better and if she is still around when you get married, I bet she would be willing to clean yours out and show you how. I never was interested in knowing how. She always did it to perfection and you can’t beat perfection. She was always willing to jump on a plane when your Mother and Uncle Curt were little to come babysit. I owe part of my photography career to my total lack of worry when I would go to Texas School, a class that was held each year for photographers, or any other seminar or weeklong school that was offered or even a vacation with Coach. I never worried once about whether your mother or Uncle Curt were well cared for or if the house was running smoothly. Hey, it was probably running smoother than when I was in charge. She was still driving by herself to Oklahoma City or coming in at 2:00 a.m. from a card game with her friends into her 80’s. She says she has the best looking grandchildren in the world and I hear her making those same claims about her great grandchildren.

Curtis Alvin Crofford This is one of the men that your Uncle Curt was named after. (The other was my dad, Thomas Jackson Lynn.) One of the things that I remember him saying was “Nothing good ever happens at the back of the bus.” So he chose to sit at the front of the bus where he could stay out of trouble. I’m afraid that I would have been turned around to at least see what was going on “back there”. He was a very moral and highly principled man. He was on the city council and when the mayoral race was approaching, a group of men talked him into running for mayor due to his high standards of conduct. He was an elder in Southside Church of Christ and later Southwest Church of Christ when it combined with another church. He was a member of the Kiwanis Club and evened booed the Lion’s Club one time when we went by a sign with their logo. Coach can give you all the details, but he worked very hard all his life. He started out working for Pepsi Cola but broke his back when a garage door fell on it while he was unloading the truck. He was confined to a cast from under his arms to his pelvis with a brace on his neck. He couldn’t ever go back to his manual labor job. His boss, being a kind man (and I am betting recognizing quality when he saw it) said he had a new distributorship in Amarillo and needed a bookkeeper. Your great granddaddy began to learn bookkeeping and eventually studied and passed the CPA exam. Coach says it took him along time to pass all the parts, but he preserved. I think perservance would be one of the characteristics that he has passed on to our family. But the greatest lesson that he ever taught me was his faith in God. Not just saying he had faith, but living like he had faith for all to see. One scripture that sums Granddaddy up would be “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.” He lived by that. I bet he was quoting it when he broke his back and I know he quoted it (because I heard him) when it looked like Coach was headed straight for Vietnam. Again, Coach can tell you the long version, but Coach was all but assured that he would be accepted into the Navy’s Judge Advocate program. He had a very high LSAT score, a test that he took to get in law school. He turned down a place in the army reserve to gamble on the Judge Advocate program. He heard a few days later that he was turned down for the JAG program and by all accounts, he was headed for the front lines of Vietnam. Granddaddy pulled that verse out like Dad was just headed for the grocery store. Again and again, he quoted it and refused to panic and refused to not trust God. I’ll tell you the rest of that story in a few minutes. So, one of the verses that you will need to lay claim to is “All things work together for good, for those who love the Lord.” I even bet your great Granddaddy will help you learn it.

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