This is Rhonda on Cindy's blogspot today. Today is Thursday, and I can say without reservation, that I am so glad tomorrow is Friday! It's been a long week for me on the homefront, driving carpools in my car with one hand on the wheel, while the other hand clutches a Diet Coke, washing mounds of laundry but never finding socks that match, fighting battles over clothes, dinner, and this week, specifically, duking it out over hairstyles! I plopped into a chair at the studio yesterday and looked at Cindy and said, "No offense, but what family has time to get their pictures made?" Who were those organized moms in Tory Burch shoes that were able to waltz into Cindy's studio with perfectly groomed hair, and kids to match? In my mind, those were the people who had portraits made. I have ten pounds to lose, my ten year old just got a mohawk yesterday, my husband works all the way in Baytown, so not only do we not have the time for a professional portrait, but we don't have the hair for it now either.
After my comment, Cindy looked at me thoughtfully and said, "You know, it's really not about finding the perfect time or moment, but about making the most out of the moment you have." And after turning that comment over in my head, I've begun to realize one thing: yes, we are busy, and yes, life is not perfect, but my kids aren't getting any younger. If I want to capture memories of these 4 fabulous children of mine who are at such different ages and stages, that I must essentially "meet the camera" at wherever we are in life -- mohawks, and all. In fact, I think I'm going to bring my kids in next week for Cindy's In and Out special. It's a condensed version of a full portrait session. I like this idea. The sitting fee is only $70 and since we have mohawks going on in our family right now, I don't feel as though the cost is a huge gamble. Cindy promises to get my kids' holiday photo taken in about fifteen minutes. Granted, In and Out is not one of Cindy's full blown portrait sessions, and in one of those you get fussed over by Cindy for at least an hour or so, but for a mom with no time on her hands, and four busy kids, this option will be perfect! We'll keep you posted on how they turn out. I can't wait!
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