Senior girls and their moms are starting to call us about Sorority Rush pictures. In this region of the country, Sorority Rush is a bit more involved than in other areas, so if you are planning to join a sorority at a southern school, plan to pay close attention to the Rush process. Cindy has photographed hundreds of girls for Rush and knows the ins and outs of “Rush-ography,” to coin a term. The most important thing you will need for Rush are the photos that you will submit to each sorority. First impressions are so important and these three photos will speak volumes about you before you even step foot on campus!
Cindy offers this advice on Rush photos:
You need three photos with different poses: a closeup, a full length and a 3/4 length pose. We of course offer digital retouching on things like blemishes, under eye circles, and stray hairs, so you need not sweat your closeup!
Your clothes for the Rush photos are important as they reveal a lot about who you are. Be a little understated but not boring with your clothing choices. At the studio, we can recommend where to shop for clothing lines that photograph well, and also give you names of store consultants who can pick out the perfect ensemble for your photographs. Keep in mind that medium colors are the best choice for clothes as light colors make you look heavier and dark clothing often photographs with no detail. Similar color tones on the top and bottom make you appear taller and slimmer, while contrasting color tones on the top and bottom look choppy.
When preparing for your photo shoot, give attention to the small things that will matter in the end. Check your highlights if you have them, and make sure they are well maintained. Get a manicure and pedicure – no chipped nail polish! Lay out your three (or so) outfits with jewelry and shoes to double check that each looks complete, and, more importantly, looks like YOU. Bring your jewelry, touch-up makeup, brush, and hair spray to the shoot. And the most important thing to remember during the photo shoot is to be yourself, and smile!
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